Great Saloon in the Buda Castle
Great Saloon in the Buda Castle

The Archducal Suites and Garden Buildings of the Buda Castle after 1902

The archducal suites were formed in 1902, followed by several function rooms, such as dining rooms, small and big saloons, the office of the Archduke, leading to the separate bedrooms of the archduke and archduchess, the bedrooms of their 3 children with their tutors.

The gardens of the Buda Castle (along with some newly built outside buildings such as the winter garden, and the “Hungarian House”), as well as the Palm House and the orange greenhouses were located on the east and south end of the building.

Most of the photos below are part of the album published by Alajos Hauszmann in 1911.

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"Elisabeth" Saloon in the Buda Castle
“Elisabeth” Saloon in the Buda Castle







Bedroom of the Archduchess in the Buda Castle
Bedroom of the Archduchess in the Buda Castle








Bedroom of the Archduke in the Buda Castle
Bedroom of the Archduke in the Buda Castle








Breakfast Saloon in the Buda Castle
Breakfast Saloon in the Buda Castle








Chapel in the Buda Castle
Chapel in the Buda Castle









Dining Room in the Buda Castle
Dining Room in the Buda Castle








Floorplan of the Archducal Suites in the Buda Castle after 1902
Floorplan of the Archducal Suites in the Buda Castle after 1902








Great Saloon in the Buda Castle
Great Saloon in the Buda Castle








Saloon in the Buda Castle
Saloon in the Buda Castle








Saloon in the Buda Castle
Saloon in the Buda Castle








Work Room of the Archduchess
Work Room of the Archduchess








Work Room of the Archduke
Work Room of the Archduke








Stables of the Buda Castle
Stables of the Buda Castle








Garden of the Buda Castle
Garden of the Buda Castle








Garden Building of the Buda Castle
Garden Building of the Buda Castle










"Hungarian" Room in the Buda Castle
“Hungarian” Room in the Buda Castle









Great Palm House of the Buda Castle
Great Palm House of the Buda Castle











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Read more:
Exterior of the Buda Castle around 1900
Royal Suites of the Buda Castle around 1900
First Regal Suite of the Buda Castle after 1900

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